4 Fun Earth Day Activities In Washington

We found four events in various parts of the state that lead up to Earth Day on April 22. But first, a quick refresher…

History of Earth Day

April 22, 1970 marked the beginning of Earth Day. A day to reflect on our own environmental impact and to take action where it’s needed. Gaylord Nelson, a former U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, came up with the idea for a national day that would focus our attention onto the topic of pollution and how we can improve our current environmental practices.

So what sparked his interest? Witnessing a huge oil spill in Santa Barbara, CA the year before in 1969.

View of Earth

The first Earth Day was a major hit. Over 20 million Americans came out together and demonstrated for a “healthy, sustainable environment in massive coast-to-coast rallies.” These days, Earth Day celebrators tend to center their discussions on clean energy and global warming.

Earth Day Activities in Washington

So what can you do to celebrate Earth Day with your family, or by yourself? There are quite a few activities going on across the state.

  1. In Carnation, you can take part in the Earth Day Family Nature walk.
  2. Vancouver residents can take part in the StreamTeam Earth Day Fest 2018,.
  3. In Everett there will be the Narbeck Wetland Sanctuary Tree Planting Ceremony.
  4. There is also the Wild Flower Hike on Badger Mountain.

As always, the State Parks will all be free on the 22, no Discover Pass needed either!

Earth Day in Washington

If you live outside of the mentioned cities above, make sure to head over to EventBrite, enter your city, date and “Earth Day” to find the perfect way to celebrate our beautiful earth, and especially this state we are all lucky enough to enjoy.

Another way to celebrate Earth Day is to get outside and go for a walk or hike. Check out Discovery Park in Seattle.

Explore Washington State

Explore Washington State is committed to highlighting every corner of Washington State, publishing new content focused on hidden gems, travel tips, outdoor activities and more throughout the week. Remember, there is always more to explore!


  1. KennEtHouse on January 31, 2019 at 8:48 pm

    If I’m not mistaken we celebrated the first earth day at dry falls dam near coulee city at the rest area.

  2. […] Therefore, I wanted to encourage adults and their kids to get outside, escape the screen and live. Get outside and experience the outdoors that is abundant across our entire state. Washington has so many public lands and parks for the […]

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