A New Gem Joins Snoqualmie Downtown Scene: Cafe Minee

It’s easy to admit that I’m a cafe hopper. Honestly, there’s a hint of pride in my voice when I share how I’ll spend a lazy afternoon and skirt from coffee shop to coffee, like the authentic Seattle coffee-lover that I am.

But since there’s less than five locally-owned coffee shops in the valley (please don’t count Starbucks as being equal to the eclectic CAFE experience), I’m left to plan my excursion for when I’m in downtown Seattle or the U District.

My mom (a fellow coffee enthusiast) introduced me to a new cafe located in the heart of downtown Snoqualmie, one completely worthy of my coffee shop hopping excursions.

Enter Cafe Minee into the picture.

Cafe Minee

I’m a predictable girl if there ever was one, basic as they come. I ordered my usual, a wet cappuccino, with an acai bowl (hard to find in the less urban, Snoqualmie Valley) on the side. For the burrito lover, you have a ham-and-cheese option, the ever-dependable ham and cheese croissant, french toast (where are we even???) and delectable cinnamon rolls served in-house.

In addition to being an unashamed cafe hopper and coffee enthusiast, I’m also a nerd and forever a sucker for a cool piece of history.

Inspired to create quality baked goods for her son and his friends, Sang — the cafe’s owner — began baking in her spare time, using natural ingredients and purified water. As she began baking for family and friends more and more, she ended up turning the passion into a business and opened Cafe Minee in 2018.

Minee was Sang’s nickname growing up, and is her son’s nickname as well — and now graces the walls of her very own bakery.

And I’m a softie, so that story went straight to my heart.

I know that the holidays are over, but birthdays and family events are sure to be in your near horizon, so keep in mind that Cafe Minee caters and does special orders. Just contact them two days prior to your event to meet your food needs and make your guests very, very happy.

One of the best features of Cafe Minee — in my humble opinion — is that it’s located right off Railroad Avenue, which runs through downtown Snoqualmie. Which means that after sipping your coffee and gorging yourself on in-house pastries, you can stroll down the block to the Snoqualmie Falls Candy Shoppe or browse through JL the Boutique.

Never-ending fun.

Cafe Minee


I am a journalism student, amateur photographer, feminist, and forever curious world wanderer. My passion for storytelling is communicated through the written word and the power of imagery to connect people globally. Nothing gets me as excited as coffee drinking, cafe hopping, and reading. I strongly believe that the world is our neighborhood, and that adventures are waiting to be happening right outside my door in the PNW.


  1. Anonymous on February 26, 2019 at 5:59 pm


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