FIG Studio: Mini Monster Finger Puppets
The FIG Studio is a self-guided, self-exploratory play-to-learn, make-and-take space for young inquisitive minds to imagine, create, and innovate.
Each hand has room for five friends in this fun finger puppet craft. Design your own mini monsters and proudly wear your creations.
The Whatcom Museum acknowledges that we gather on the traditional territory of the Lhaq’temish – Lummi People – and the Nuxwsá7aq – Nooksack People – who have lived in the Coast Salish region from time immemorial. The Museum honors our relationship with all of our Coast Salish neighbors and our shared responsibilities to their homeland where we all reside today.
Explore Washington State brings you the latest and greatest local events across “Washington! If it’s happening in Washington, you’ll find it on our calendar, from festivals to fairs, concerts to community gatherings. Stay tuned so you never miss what’s happening around the Evergreen State!”